Category: Container

Day 71 – Potatoes

The potatoes must just grow on sunshine. With the exception of the banana box beds, with little more than a handfull of dirt for each seed plus all the grass clippings they can stand, the potatoes don’t seem to care

Day 71 – Broccoli

The Lasagna bed, with it’s added fertilizer (horse manure last fall, with a coating of grass clippings, left to “mellow” over the winter, followed with another layer of grass clippings) is feeding just about everything well, especially the broccoli. The

Day 71 – Tomato Comparisons

Tomato plants are all a little small, but the one picked up at the Williamsburg Farmer’s Market is outdoing them all. Of the tomatoes from seed, the lasagna bed has the most green, while the hugelkultur bed is almost the

Day 71 Bed Comparisons Snow Peas and Beans (plus a cuke or two)

The Lasagna bed is the definite winner, the wicking bed and the hugelkultur bed tied for second place, with the banana box beds taking last place. It must be noted that the lasagna bed was fertilized with a layer of

A Temporary Wicking Bed

Wicking beds are popular wherever it is dry or there are water restrictions, but that should not stop anyone in the northeast or northwest United States from trying one.  Basically, you are making a small tray underneath your plants that

Day 55 – What to do with Volunteer Plants

I’ve had a lot of volunteer potatoes popping up throughout the garden.  Some of them quite deep.  The best thing to do with volunteer plants (if you know what they are) is to replant them, filling in areas that didn’t

“Spruce”d up Strawberry Pyramid Using Pallets

Taken at dusk, it’s difficult to see but this is the pyramid of boxes of soil.  A well seasoned (left in the elements) pallet cut into quarters the long way create a more appealing look for what will be a

Day 48 – Add Yet Another Bed

Added another two banana boxes with a wicking option underneath.  Dug down four inches, layed down plastic, sifted the soil I had dug out and put the gravel and rocks onto the plastic.  Added a pipe and wood chips, then

Day 46: DIY Strawberry Hill

With the rain, and the rain, plus the thunderstorms, unexpected downpours, not a lot has been happening in the garden other than the routine slug hunts, but all is not lost.  Now that it’s drier (for the day), I’ll be

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Day 38 – “Container Bed” Done, Compost all wet.

I was thinking of dressing up the sides with ornate sea shells or my kid’s giant Lego blocks, but I decided to keep it more natural looking to our surroundings. I can easily take away the logs and add more
