Category: Hugelkultur

Dense Companion Planting

Dense Companion Planting

Day 12

Planted the potatoes!  Have 31 starts in the garden, nine in the wicking bed, nine in the lasagna bed, nine in the hugelkultur bed, and four in the banana box bed.  Why only four in the banana box bed?  Ran

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Day 10

Ahhhh.  A sigh of relief.  Ran the hoses to the garden area and filled the wicking bed, then left it sit overnight.  Still full of water the next day when I walked the dog, so I don’t have to dig

Day 9

Just a quick post, continued covering the hugelkulture bed, now has 11 wheelbarrows full of soil covering it, just 6 more to go!  Also covered it with some grass clippings and thatch.  It’s looking awfully dry.  Tomorrow I’ll need to

Day 5 – The Day of Rest?

Okay, so my calendar was off.  It was a beautiful day, and tomorrow may rain, but I did get many other things accomplished, including getting some seeds locally.  As a final post for now regarding preparing a hugelkultur bed, I

30 Minutes – Day 4 Progress

Overcast, and when I went out it rained, but not enough to soak.  Backed off on trying to cover the logs completely with the rotting stump-peat (?), and focusing on moving dirt.  Four more wheel-barrows of dirt (only 17 to

30 Minutes, Day 2

Okay – I may have to bend the rules this weekend, weather permitting.  The second day has brought industriousness and insight:  1/4 done, this bed is going to take approximately 21 more wheelbarrow loads of soil, 12 wheelbarrows full of

30 minutes on the bed…

…the garden bed. Started the “Hugelkultur” bed, where you bury logs, brush and other woody debris with one foot of soil. The wood acts like a sponge and regulates the moisture, as well as providing nutrients from both the wood
