D. Landreth Seed Co.


D. Landreth Seed Company Catalog2012

D. Landreth Seed Company Catalog 2012


Update: We have been in contact with the D. Landreth Seed Company, and while they’re not out of the shark infested water, an island of hope appears to be closer!  According to their latest post:

"...Landreth has received funds to help pay off the notes that the company owes from three
sources: (1) the sale of catalogs, (2) the sale of Landreth products and (3) donations to
the www.chipin.com account. As of the morning of 10-17-2011, Landreth has processed
7,645 orders and attended 7 Fall Harvest Festivals, Master Gardeners Conventions, etc.
Landreth has sold 11,205 catalogs for $56,025, products totaling $72,876
and has received donations totaling $9,427. The total raised so far is $138,328!
. ..."

They still need help, though!  “…To retire only the debt now in litigation, NOT THE ENTIRE DEBT, requires

approximately $550,000. To print and ship 225,000 catalogs will cost approximately
$562,500. The total is $1,112,500. Selling 225,000 catalogs at $5.00 per catalog would
produce $1,125,000. This will allow us to pay off the noteholders who are suing us and
will get Landreth out of danger. Our hope is that when each of you receives your catalog
you will be motivated to purchase products from Landreth and that revenue will allow us
to retire the remaining debt.

===================Original Post====================================
D. Landreth Seed Co., the oldest seed company in America, has fallen on hard times.  As noted in many newspapers and all over the internet – from “bigfatmarketingblog“, to cheesemaking supply co. – everyone is writing about them.  According to the news on the internet, due to financial hardhip and their creditors as well as the judges refusing to negotiate, a company almost as old as our country could go under by the end of September 2011, taking with it a rich (and flavorful) history.

As the oldest seed company in America, D. Landreth Seed Co. has some interesting finds, such as the “Yugoslavian Finger Fruit” – located in their “winter squash” area, claiming a mild “coconut” flavor.  Okay: if you can grow it in New England and it tastes like coconut, how could you go wrong?  I ordered the seeds for these and a couple of other interesting looking plants, as well as some onions that I hope will keep the rabbits at bay, and a catalog for those long dark dawns when anything that looks like spring is sought.

Hoping my little order, plus everyone else’s will bring them out of their financial misery.  Help if you can!  Order a catalog for yourself or for a friend for the Holidays from D. Landreth Seed Co.

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