Category: Light

Indoor Salad Garden – Cukes Climb to the Rafters

We’ve ignored the cucumber in the cellar for the last several weeks with the exception of watering them once.  The L.E.D. lights are on for ten hours per day, and total 25 watts of power, or 1KW every four days,

Free Solar Greenhouse Plans

Solar Greenhouses greenhouse plans at end of articleCalling a greenhouse solar is somewhat redundant, since all greenhouses are solar heated to some extent. The greenhouse itself traps the heat each day, as anyone who has been inside a greenhouse for

Indoor Strawberries |

Grow your own strawberry patch indoors!  This is great for kids as well as adults, you just have to keep the cats out! (in case of cats, I recommend the planters that don’t expose much soil). If you’re patient, you

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The Lompoc Record

“… Rather than the brawny, sprawling crops of summer that bear fruits, pods, ears and gourds, winter vegetables tend to be small and offer up leaves, flowers and roots. Most take up less space, don’t require as much sunlight and

Clever plot – Gardening is Now Fashionable

And if it’s fashionable in Europe this fall, you know that in spring it’ll be the rage in the US… Okay, so it already is here, with urban gardens, people converting their front yards into beautiful plots with decorative peppers

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Small Footprint, Big Yield

Some of the best use of space I’ve seen in a long time.  Even though I’m blessed with almost one acre of land, a lot of it is taken up by play areas or swamp for half the season.  The

Grow your own borscht: Planning a fall vegetable garden

We’re not in Virginia, but the same ideas apply.  The Hack:  Make use of your garden into the fall and beyond by planning and planting cooler weather crops now. Grow your own borscht: Planning a fall vegetable garden.

Free Info in Sustainability Permaculture Visions

Free is good! Free Info in Sustainability Permaculture Visions.

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Get Your Mind Out of the Gutter and Put Your Garden There Instead

Make your own “vertical veggie garden” with some gutter material and an exterior wall you’re not doing anything with anyway! The Hack: Use a wall and some gutter material to make a vertical garden where no garden has dared to

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LED Grow Light Panels: Prices Getting Reasonable!

The prices for LED grow lights are getting more reasonable – as more people and businesses are manufacturing them, the prices get better and better.  I’m currently using a set of T8 (Fluorescent tube) replacements which necessitated rewiring a shop

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