Eggshells and Banana Peels for your Tomatoes

eggshells and banana by oshendoschenAdding selectively what normally goes out in the trash can keep away blossom end rot and compliment your soil.

The Hacks:  save your eggshells and banana peels and add them when you plant tomatoes out – an interesting thought too: “…(Note:  Just recently learned that some gardeners have gone to either baking their eggshells or boiling them (you can water your plants with the egg water when done too) to avoid the risk of spreading salmonella. …”

I’ve seen from 3-4 eggshells per plant to 12-18.  I err on the side of caution going for about 3-4 per plant, but I also grind mine in a blender, so it comes out to about a rounded teaspoon per plant.  The bananas that have gone bad over the winter in our house have normally gone into the compost bin, but having a small box in the freezer for the peels would be an easy addition.  Wonder if I can dry them out and grind them too…

Growing Tips.