Category: Fertilizing

New Years resolutions for gardeners – San Jose Mercury News

The National Gardening Association estimates that 19 percent more people grew vegetables in 2009 than in 2008. While experienced gardeners may adhere easily to their annual gardening resolutions, new gardeners will see real results by following through on the following

Green Thumbs: Notes of a difficult growing season – Hanover, MA – Hanover Mariner

Avoid composting tomato foliage or any other leaves which may have been diseased. To rejuvenate depleted garden plots or improve poor, heavy, or sandy soils, spread several inches of organic material in the form of shredded leaves, well-decomposed manure, compost,

Fast Cooking Compost Pile

Want a really fast cooking compost pile? Here’s all you need: 1/3 horse manure 2/3 leaves or grass If you don’t have ready access to a barnyard, substitute a high N product, such as blood meal. via Fast Cooking Compost

How to Make Hot Compost : Planet Green

How to Make Hot Compost : Planet Green. The Hack: “…Insulate: Lining the sides and top of your heap with cardboard can help keep temperatures up …” Great idea!  You can find corrugated cardboard at most retail establishments, and many

Make a Compost Bin from an Old Storage Tub : Planet Green

From Planet Green, a simple DIY project to make a composting bin from an old storage bin.  Be sure it’s at least 3 cu. ft so that it’ll heat up properly.  You’ll also have to turn the pile once a

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Let the Asparagus Go (until spring)

Many tips for gardening from Purdue University Extension, including “…Asparagus top growth should not be removed until foliage yellows. Let foliage stand over winter to collect snows for insulation and moisture. “… Plowing and incorporating organic matter in the fall

Quick Fall Cleanup Hacks

The nights are getting cooler, I’m sneezing a bit with the onset of the furnace kicking in again. One concern I’ve heard of from quite a few people is that they’re composting potentially diseased plant materials into their next years

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Tims Tips: Preparing the garden for colder days ahead –, Newburyport, MA

Tims Tips: Preparing the garden for colder days aheadTims TipsTim LampreyAs September rolls to a close, we have to begin thinking about the dreaded “w” word. Yes, it isnt too early to start to think about winter.Eventually, we will get

Comfrey – Heal Your Garden, Heal Yourself

A comprehensive lens on Squidoo that highlights the many uses of comfrey.  How to grow it, how to get rid of it, how to use it in your garden as well as in your medicine cabinet. Comfrey – Heal Your

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Richard Nunnallys Gardening Q&A | Richmond Times-Dispatch

Q:What suggestions do you have for controlling weeds and undesirable grasses in asparagus and strawberry beds? Crabgrass has also infiltrated the liriope in my borders. The Hack: Pulling the weeds and mulching, according to Richard.  My best solutions are newspaper

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