Looked in the beds, under the canopies the Patty Pan Squash are making and see the beginnings of some squash! The trick here is to pick them when they are the proper size. This seems to be a matter of picking in the morning, then picking in the evening – either that 0r (the more likely scenario) taking your time and really looking at each plant thoroughly. There always seems to be one honker of a patty pan squash that appears out of nowhere that becomes next years seeds instead of this summer’s meal. Not that this is a problem, mind you! My favorite recipe is posted at squidoo.com.
– Fruit on the Fringe –
The grapes are producing like crazy, I just have to remember to water them thoroughly every other day so they produce to the fullest, and hopefully will also produce thinner skins this year.
The stawberries are done for the season, and so it’s time to move them to the “pyramid”, where the beans are off to a good start.
The volunteer raspberries are popping up all over, and the volunteer blackberries are growing like mad, too – one cane that got away from me is over eight feet high!
Not a lot of yield today from the beds (see the “Gardenhacker Gauges” for the latest), but a lot of flowers on the beans and peas, so this week should produce well.
The tomatoes are beginning to set fruit on the plants I had gotten from the Williamsburg Farmer’s Market, too so deep watering at the roots will be in order for them too.
So, thirty minutes will be devoted to moving the strawberries to their new home, watering the grapes and the tomatoes, checking the seedlings and what little weeding needs to be done.
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