After a weekend away, the lasagna bed
pulled ahead in the race for the most produce, with the hugelkultur bed surpassing the box bed by a little less than an ounce. Bringing up the rear is the leaky wicking bed. Putting the soaker hose on trickle for the wicking bed hoping that it will begin to produce in earnest and at least come in line with the lasagna bed and the other beds.
There is evidence of the rabbit I’d seen tasting our green beans, nibbling 1/2 a bean and leaving the rest.
The potato plants are starting to turn, meaning that in a couple of weeks it will be time to harvest – they have already cut them back in Deerfield, MA* which is usually two weeks ahead of Goshen, MA.
The carrots have begun to emerge in the insulated container garden, and I will have to hook up either some shade cloth or something shiny to scare away the aforementioned rabbit so the plants have a chance. There are a couple of carrots that did survive in the other beds, too – but not enough to feed my carrot hungry kids.
*Potatoes are one of the major crops of the Deerfield area, along with shade tobacco, strawberries, blueberries raspberries and corn ( The soil in Deerfield is known for it’s fertility: According to, the soil is “Very deep, moderately well drained soil formed in sandy glacial fluvial deposits. Deerfield soils are on stream terraces, deltas and outwash plains. “).
See for more information on lasagna bed gardening.
Thanks for reading! I’d have to say there’s no clear winner between the two – and that was just year #1 of the hugelkultur (or hugelbeet) bed: these are supposed to be long term low/no maintenance beds, so we’ll see how it goes this year. Lasagna bed is staying and being fed, just a light mulch on the hugel_ bed. The others… we’ll see how much experimenting I want to do this year!