Lettuce in the Silos 3/16/2013 – Cut and Come, Mow and Grow, Plow and Chow

Lettuce Growth as of 2013-03-16 before picking.

Lettuce Growth as of 2013-03-16 before picking.

The lettuce continues to grow, and the one on the right is doing so well, I decided to pick a salad now.  Picked 0.75 oz or a small garden salad’s worth from the one on the right, and it’s still got plenty of leaves.  On the left, the lettuce has gotten larger without getting leggy.  This is good to see, but it’s time to start growing a salad garden in earnest – so another grow box is in the works for a true indoor salad garden.  A grow box is just a pot and saucer on steroids.  Using a thermally insulated box like the one pictured here or a storage container, you make a reservoir, a “wicking” area or “wicking agent” – basically a small area where the soil can reach the bottom of the reservoir without filling the reservoir with soil, a drain hole on the side so your plants have no chance of standing in water and rotting, and a soil area where your plants will grow.  Water will wick up to one foot in most potting mixes, and sometimes more, depending on the mix.  We will be creating a quick and easy grow box in a coming post.


Lettuce after picking - still a lot of leaves!

Lettuce after picking – still a lot of leaves!

