What Jumps In Peoria Today Is In The Human Food Chain Tomorrow : TreeHugger


Those suckers can jump!

Those "suckers" can jump!

More from the lemons to lemonade department:  silver carp, the bane of many a waterskiier and high speed boater (google “high speed fish slap”), are being “harvested” and used for cattlefeed and fish oil.  


Hmm, don’t remember many cattle in hip-waders when I was living on the lake.  But anyway – why not make fertilizer out of it?

What Jumps In Peoria Today Is In The Human Food Chain Tomorrow : TreeHugger.

Life’s Giving You Weeds? Make Weed Tea (for your garden)

Weeds, known by garden sages as “Dynamic Accumulators” are often the bane of gardeners and lawn keepers alike.  Instead of looking upon them as nuisances, use their strengths to strengthen your garden.  Yes, you’ll still have to pull them up, but you can make an herbal (weedal? werbal? weedball??) tea that your garden will love.  


The Hack: gather the weeds as usual, then put 1/2 gallon of weeds in a cloth sack, old pantyhose, etc. and place it in a 5 gallon bucket almost full of water.  Agitate every day (saying the magic incantation DIE WEEDS! DIE!!!  er, skip the incantation) for about three weeks (set up one bucket a week and use in rotation).

You’ll be getting a lot of minerals out of those lowly (rhymes with holy?) weeds: 


  • Dandelion = silicon, magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron,copper
  • Comfrey = silicon, nitrogen, magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, copper
  • Peppermint = magnesium, potassium
  • Plantains = Silicon, sulfur, magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron

the list goes on, though on a small .gif, so you may have to save the picture and open it in a paint program.  Also many other types of “garden teas”.


Compost Tea Organic Farming and Homemade Liquid Fertilizer in Organic Gardening .

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Get Free Seeds for Your Garden

for the price of a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope, you can get free seeds. Via TipHero: Get Free Seeds for Your Garden.

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peas planting picking gardening growing – The Old Farmer’s Almanac

Sage advice from the Farmer’s Almanac about peas.

The Hack: Though adding compost or manure to the soil won’t hurt, peas don’t need heavy doses of fertilizer. They like phosphorus and potassium and appreciate a good sprinkling of wood ashes before planting.

via peas planting picking gardening growing – The Old Farmer’s Almanac.

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How do I Get Cool Weather Crops to Grow in the Summer?

Broccoli seedlings in the box bed.  Move the mulch away as soon as they sprout.“… cool weather crops include leafy vegetables such as lettuce, chard and spinach, root crops including carrots and beets and cole crops such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. These vegetables are highest in quality when they mature in the cool fall weather. They are frost tolerant, so they are not damaged by light frosts in early fall. …”

via Many Garden Crops Thrive In Cool Weather.

The Hack: “… The biggest problem during hot, dry weather is getting seeds to germinate and emerge. Cover the seeds with a light mulch to keep the soil from crusting. Mulching materials include thin layers of grass clippings, vermiculite or peat moss. Watch carefully and when the seeds germinate, remove the mulch. …”

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How Can I Freeze my Crops and Avoid Freezer Burn?

from Lifehacker.com “… Avoid freezer burn by double- or even triple-wrapping food, filling containers to the top and squeezing the air out of containers (zippered bags are good for this). Some foods and sauces, like pesto, can be stored with a layer of oil on top. Others, like cooked beans, can be topped off with water or cooking liquid, leaving room for expansion. ”


Lifehacker – Use Your Freezer Efficiently to Save Money and Food – Saving Money.

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2002 – The Year of the Spinach

Dated 2002, this link is chock full of information on Popeye’s favorite
greens: “… The number one reason for growing spinach in containers is so
you actually get the harvest. Rabbits and other four-footed creatures like
spinach but they cannot reach it if you grow it in pots up on a deck or
steps. The second reason is space; if you live in a townhouse or
apartment, in suburb or city, a balcony or rooftop may be your only access
to a garden. …” Dated 2002, this link is chock full of information on Popeye’s favorite
greens: "… The number one reason for growing spinach in containers is so
you actually get the harvest. Rabbits and other four-footed creatures like
spinach but they cannot reach it if you grow it in pots up on a deck or
steps. The second reason is space; if you live in a townhouse or
apartment, in suburb or city, a balcony or rooftop may be your only access
to a garden. …" Link

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Permaculture Certification Roundup

permaculture logo

permaculture logo

We’re finding more and more certifications for permaculture throughout the US. Starting in Australia by Bil Mollison and David Holmgren as an approach to designing not only agricultural systems that mimic relationships in nature, but also human settlements as well. Here are a few that we’ve found so far:
Midwest Permaculture – http://tinyurl.com/permc01
BA in Permaculture – http://tinyurl.com/permaculture02
Lost Valley Education Center – http://tinyurl.com/permaculture03

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Myth-ing from the Garden

More for landscape than for gardening, but the information is valuable.  Linda Chalker-Scott has a great list of articles she’s written, including the use of wood chips, epsom salt, dust mulching(!) and more.


Rainbarrel Fitting DIY

Bulkhead parts

Bulkhead parts

Been looking for this in the stores and getting glazed looks. DIY is good! http://www.truetex.com/bulkhead.htm

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